tirsdag den 20. marts 2007

European Youth PErspective on Consumption

Do you want to work this summer on a sustainable future?
Then join 150 young people from 30 European countries at the:

When: 30th June-5th of July
Where: The Netherlands
What: A big European youth conference where you can:

  • join inspiring lectures and workshops on sustainable consumption.
  • meet other motivated young people from all over Europe and develop projects together.
  • create a European youth declaration for national and European governments to promote sustainable consumption.

Who: young people between 18-30 years with experience (volunteering, working, studying) in sustainable development and active roll in environmental movement.
Costs: 75 euro (incl. travel + accommodation and food)
How: fill in the application form before may 10th on www.Youpec.eu

Want to know more? go to www.youpec.eu or mail youpec@jma.org